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Archives for : Valentines Day

Movie Review: “Marry Me” Plays a Great Beat, but Fails to Make a Hit

As a rom-com lover I am so torn on my feelings for Universal Picture’s new film, “Marry Me”. I wanted this movie to give me the same feels that Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant created in “Notting Hill”. Sure, it wasn’t the most realistic plot, but their chemistry sold it. Sadly, the only spark in this film is ignited through the music.

I would like to preface this by saying, I think both Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson have done wonderful in other romantic comedies (i.e., “The Wedding Planner” & “Wedding Crashers”). Unfortunately, they just aren’t a great match.

In “Marry Me”, Kat Valdez (Lopez), a pop superstar is set to wed a sexy singer named Bastian (played by Colombian sensation Maluma) live on TV for millions of people to see. Just before the nuptials, news breaks out that her fiancé cheated on her with her assistant. She is shocked, embarrassed, and at a loss. As she stares at her adoring crowd, she spots single dad, Charlie (Wilson), holding a “Marry Me” sign. She brings him on stage for an unexpected exchange of “I do”. What follows is the most cliché rom-com formula. They give the marriage a chance for appearances and fall in love during the process. But of course, their relationship isn’t easy. Kat is more than just a famous singer. She also markets products, and is constantly being filmed for social media. Charlie doesn’t even own a smartphone, and leads a simple life as a math teacher and father.

I don’t mind that the film is predictable. Every rom-com pretty much is, and there’s great comfort in that genre because of it. However, in order to keep these movies fresh, at the very least there needs to be a sliver of a spark between the couple we’re supposed to root for. I honestly would have been fine if Kat just ended up single making hit pop songs. She seemed more passionate about that than her relationship with Charlie. And sadly, the script did not do the cast any favors. There was not enough humor, excitement, or intrigue.

Despite all the negatives I’m saying about the film, there was still some bright spots. The diverse cast at the school gave representation of all kinds of children and teachers. Sarah Silverman playing Charlie’s coworker and friend produced multiple laughs. The music was fantastic! I’ve already ordered my soundtrack (Yes, it’s that catchy). And the brightest light of them all is the charismatic JLo. She may not have sold me on her love for Owen, but she sold me on her love for herself. As a producer on the movie, Lopez also portrays a character much like the real her; divorced three times, a pop sensation, a badass dancer, and her life is constantly on display for the world. You can’t help but admire her ability to poke fun at herself, but also show her strength.

“Marry Me” may not have had me swooning over the “romance”. However, the film made me care more for Jennifer Lopez as an artist and human being. So, not quite the Valentine’s Day movie you’re hoping for, but might satisfy the JLo fans.

Rating: C

“Marry Me” opens in theaters and streams on Peacock February 11, 2022


Interview: “I Want You Back” with Scott Eastwood & Clark Backo

Looking for the right romantic comedy for Valentine’s Day this year? The search is over, Amazon Studios’ newest film, “I Want You Back”, is witty, hilarious, and a whole lot of fun. I got a chance to speak with two of the stars from the movie, Scott Eastwood and Clark Backo. We discuss how you know you’ve found the right person, when they realize they were adults, and sing a little karaoke.

Watch the full interview and the film when it releases on Amazon Prime February 11, 2022.


Movie Review: “Bliss”

Amazon Studios new sci-fi thriller, “Bliss” is a mind-bending headscratcher. The film follows Greg (Owen Wilson) who, after losing his job and recent divorce, discovers he’s been living a computer simulated world. Susan Stephens shares her thoughts on the film along with suggestions of two romances to watch during this Valentine’s Day weekend.

“Bliss” is available to stream on Amazon Prime February 5, 2021.


Interview: Teresa Palmer & Benjamin Walker talk “The Choice”

I sat down with Benjamin Walker & Teresa Palmer, who star in the new Nicholas Sparks film, “The Choice”. We discussed love, off-limit first date topics, tough choices, and more!

“The Choice” opens in theaters February 5th.


Finding “The One”-Top 5 Films that put your Love Life in Perspective

Are you looking for “The One” this Valentine’s Day? Or maybe, you’ve already found that person. In honor of this heart-filled holiday, I’ve made a list of the top 5 films that can put your love life in perspective. These films are geared toward everyone, whether you’re in a relationship or not. For couples, these movies could shed light on issues you may be having, or just make you appreciate that special someone in your life. For singles, this list can maybe help you better understand what you’re realistically looking for in a relationship. Either way, all 5 romantic movies are great choices to watch this V-Day.

Here’s what I take away from these films…

5. Don Jon (2013)

Listen and Connect

Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut, Don Jon, discusses how the media can often lead us to objectify people and treat them more like things instead of humans. A lot of times movies and television can give us a false expectation of what we’re looking for in a partner. Though it can be fascinating to watch a Hollywood romance or adult films, we must separate fantasy from reality. Maybe the person you’re dating or crushing on fits the mold of what you expect in a partner, but is it really what you want? Truly listen to that person and make sure you connect with them on both, a psychical and emotional level.

4. Ruby Sparks (2012)

Nobody’s Perfect

We’ve almost all had that check list which bullet points the requirements for our partners. Whether it’s based on their looks, or their jobs, or even their sense of humor, it DOES NOT matter. That list needs to be deleted from your brain. We have no idea what we want until we meet “that someone.” Ruby Sparks is about a novelist (Paul Dano) who writes an ideal female character (Zoe Kazan) that comes to life overnight. The film focuses on how there is no perfect person. Part of really loving someone is seeing their imperfections and dealing with them in a way that isn’t bothersome to you. When you wish your partner was a different way, it can actually speak more about something in you.

3. 500 Days of Summer (2009)

Different Points of View

I’m aware I’ve referenced this film a few times for my top 5 lists, but that’s only because you can take away so many lessons from the story and characters. In 500 Days of Summer, Tom (Gordon-Levitt) believes his entire relationship with Summer (Deschanel), up until they break up, was perfect.  He’s in love and she’s almost so clearly not. I truly believe the cruelest feeling we can experience is strongly caring for someone who doesn’t reciprocate that same feeling. It makes you wonder how it was even possible to have those feelings in the first place. Unfortunately, people are stuck in this situation all the time. In the film, Tom copes with his heartache by reflecting back and noticing the signs. For the most part, entering a relationship shouldn’t be that complicated, both people need be on the same page. If one person is stalling to commit, then he or she may not be right for you.

2. TiMER (2009)

Do you Believe in Soul Mates?

If you could install a device that counts down the exact moment you’re going to meet your soul mate, would you want to? Oona (Emma Caulfield) got one. Only problem is her TiMER is blank, meaning her soul mate hasn’t yet signed up for the service. This film raises the question of whether or not you believe that there is ONE perfect person out there for each of us. And for those who have doubts in their own relationships, do you think there is someone else out there better suited for you? Though very few have heard of this movie, TiMER is a charming, thought-provoking story that everyone should make time for.

1. The Fault in Our Stars (2014)

Life is Too Short

I’m sure many people don’t want to ball their eyes out this Valentine’s Day, but I assure you The Fault in Our Stars is much more than a movie about teens with cancer. Gus (Ansel Elgort) and Hazel’s (Shailene Woodley) inspiring, genuine love story reminds us to make the most of each day. In a romantic aspect, life is too short to not be with someone you care about. If you’re lucky enough to truly fall in love, then don’t take that love for granted. Because even if it’s short-lived, you won’t regret the time spent with each other.

Movie Review:“Endless Love” Supplies an Endless Amount of Dramatic One-liners

For most people, the love you find in your teen years tends to not be the kind worth fighting for.  But for David and Jade, this theory goes out the window as they prove their love is everlasting no matter what obstacles are thrown at them.

Valentine’s Day is not just a big profit for Hallmark and flower shops;  no this day is also another chance for box-office gold.  With all the romantic films opening this weekend, it’s going to be tough for girlfriends to decide which chick flick they will be dragging their boyfriends to see.  What better option than the remake of Endless Love.

Endless Love greatly differs from the 1981 version.  The PG-13 rating may have something to do with that.  Given that its target audience is probably the thousands of tweens that are looking to gawk at Alex Pettyfer (Magic Mike); parents should take comfort in the fact that this story is cleaner and less risqué than the original.

“Let’s be young and dumb just for tonight.”

It’s the classic story of how the rich girl falls in love with the underprivileged boy.  Gabriella Wilde (Carrie 2013) plays Jade, a naïve, sheltered girl who finally crosses paths with David (Pettyfer), the boy who has been in love with her for the past four years of high school.  After an immediate connection and an idealistic night at her graduation party, the two reciprocate in an intense first love filled with passion, heat, excitement, and of course one problem after another.  Jade’s father played by Bruce Greenwood (Star Trek Into Darkness) can not stand the idea of his daughter dating a valet attendant who could potentially be a distraction for her future career plans.

Wilde and Pettyfer do a fantastic job in this film.  Their chemistry jumps off the screen.  Though it was cheesy at times, the “I can’t live without you” love was kind of fun to watch.  Honestly, first loves can consume your whole world sometimes, and make you feel like you would be lost without them.  Other than that relatable fact, their romance is more dramatic than most.  Although, if Jade and David’s romance doesn’t entertain you, the hilarious comic relief sprinkled throughout the film by David’s crude best friend Mace(Dayo Okeniyi) will make up for any lack of interest.

I can’t say this movie gave me the butterflies that other classic romances have given, but if there were ever a time to watch Endless Love it would be during Valentine’s Day.

Rated PG-13 for sexual content, brief partial nudity, and some language.

Endless Love hits theaters February 14th.

Endless Love 2014 Trailer HD

Originally posted on

Top 5 Most Lovable Male & Female Movie Characters

Valentines Day is Friday!  What better way to get in that romantic mood than by watching some of the best characters in film.   You can’t help but fall in love with them every time you watch.

Top 5 Male Characters…

5. Preston Meyers- Can’t Hardly Wait

“I really believe that there’s one person out there, and for me it’s gotta be Amanda.”

Though his high school crush (Jennifer Love Hewitt) didn’t know who he was till the end of the film, Preston Meyers (Ethan Embry) was highly spoken of by every classmate that knew him.  It was that likeability factor, and the relentless determination of finally giving the letter that would admit his true feelings to his crush that makes him endearing and adorable.

4. Jack Dawson- Titanic

“Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me… it brought me to you.”

Let’s face it; for the good part of the late 90’s, Leonardo DiCaprio was the biggest tween heart-throb.  And his iconic role as Jack Dawson in the Academy Award winning film, Titanic, had every girl swooning at the sound of his name and his “Tiger Beat” posters.  I will admit Jack and Rose (Kate Winslet) did fall in love quickly, but how can you resist Jack’s enthusiasm?  And of course there’s the moment he selflessly froze to death in the ocean just so Rose could have all the room on the debris to stay alive.

3. Tom Hansen- 500 Days of Summer

“It’s love. It’s not Santa Claus.”

First off, this film is one the best portrayals of a realistic one-sided relationship.  The only thing that is hard to believe is how Summer Finn (Zooey Deschanel) did not reciprocate the same feelings that Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) felt.  Tom was smart, handsome, caring, and they even seem to have the same sense of humor.  By the end of this film you feel an enormous amount of empathy for Tom, making you want to either date him yourself or just hug the guy.

2. Lloyd Dobler- Say Anything

“The world is full of guys. Be a man. Don’t be a guy.”

Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) goes down in history as pulling off one of the most romantic, and bold gestures to get his girlfriend back.  You know the scene, the epic boom box over the head blasting Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” outside of Diane Court’s (Ione Skye) bedroom.  Now most girls could find this a tad creepy. Add the fact that Lloyd’s goal in life during the entire film is to spend as much time with Diane as possible.  But the truth of the matter is Lloyd is just a good guy.  He is genuine and kind to everyone, making him impossible to turn down.

1. Noah Calhoun- The Notebook

“I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me… everyday.”

This should be no surprise to anyone.  Noah Calhoun (Ryan Gosling) is the epitome of the perfect guy that every girl wishes they could date/marry.  He is the guy we know doesn’t really exist, but we sure like to dream about the possibility of him.  Let’s put aside his unbelievable good looks.  Noah falls in love with Allie (Rachel McAdams) immediately; he goes through extreme measures to just get a date with her.  He then charms her like no other; she then of course falls for him.  They have a summer romance for the ages…but it doesn’t stop there.  Even after they break up, Noah doesn’t stop loving Allie.  He writes her multiple letters, and builds the dream house she always wanted.  All in hopes that one day she will return and they can be together.  And let’s not forget the fact that when Allie gets older and suffers from Alzheimer’s, he reads to her every day so she can remember and come back to him.

And to be fair to the guys, I decided to take a stab at the Top 5 Female Characters…

5. Uhura- Star Trek

“No. I’m assigned to the Enterprise!”

Uhura (Zoe Saldana) is smart, sassy, and faithful to Spock even though he shows lack of consideration for her feelings.

4. Zooey Rice- I Love You, Man

“So is he your best man?”

Zooey (Rashida Jones) loves her boyfriend so much; she wants him to have friends and a life of his own! “That’s like one of the most romantic things I could ever think of.”

3. Rachel Jansen- Forgetting Sarah Marshall

“Are you gonna jump or what?”

Rachel (Mila Kunis) is the fun, sexy girl who will make you jump off cliffs and help you get over Kristen Bell. This is not an easy feat.

2. Claire Cleary- Wedding Crashers

“True love is the soul’s recognition of its counterpoint in another.”

Claire (Rachel McAdams) is a genuine girl who is down to earth and has a contagious laugh that follows a beautiful smile.

1. Wichita- Zombieland

“I mean you got the guts of a guppy but I could hit that.”

Emma Stone has a number of lovable movie characters that you could easily want to date.  From Jules in Superbad, to Hannah in Crazy, Stupid, Love.  But when it comes down to it, her role as the kickass, protective sister who will do anything to survive the zombie invasion is kind of the whole package.

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