Struggling with his dual identity, failed comedian Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Pheonix) meets the love of his life, Harley Quinn (Lady Gaga), while incarcerated...
Maya and the Wave is currently playing at the Village East theater in New York, with upcoming screenings at the Laemmle Glendale and the Laemmle Monica...
“House of Gucci” is Ridley Scott’s new crime, drama that’s creating a lot of buzz during this awards season. I spoke with Oscar/Grammy Winner Lady Gaga about her transformational performance as Patrizia Reggiani. They discuss what she would hope a future biopic about her would capture and which of her songs means the most when quoted to her.
“House of Gucci” is currently playing in theaters.
“Eternals” introduces a new, diverse group of immortal superheroes. Marvel Studios gives audiences another cinematic experience in this visually stunning and moving film. Watch my review of the movie and a preview of the upcoming sci-fi/comedy, “Ghostbusters: Afterlife”.
“Eternals” opens in theaters November 5, 2021 and “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” opens November 19, 2021.
Amazon Studios new sci-fi thriller, “Bliss” is a mind-bending headscratcher. The film follows Greg (Owen Wilson) who, after losing his job and recent divorce, discovers he’s been living a computer simulated world. Susan Stephens shares her thoughts on the film along with suggestions of two romances to watch during this Valentine’s Day weekend.
“Bliss” is available to stream on Amazon Prime February 5, 2021.