Struggling with his dual identity, failed comedian Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Pheonix) meets the love of his life, Harley Quinn (Lady Gaga), while incarcerated...
Maya and the Wave is currently playing at the Village East theater in New York, with upcoming screenings at the Laemmle Glendale and the Laemmle Monica...
“A thirty-something eternal bridesmaid goes on an empowering, and often hilarious, journey of self-discovery.” I had the opportunity to chat with Leah McKendrick, the director/writer/star of the new comedy, “Scrambled”.
This is an early favorite film, and it was such an honor to have an emotional and fun conversation with her about a film that meant so much to me. We discussed things she wanted to highlight about her personal egg freezing journey, the importance of being a supportive friend, and much more!
Be sure to watch “Scrambled” in theaters February 2, 2024.