Struggling with his dual identity, failed comedian Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Pheonix) meets the love of his life, Harley Quinn (Lady Gaga), while incarcerated...
“At a retreat in Morocco, a woman meets a young man whose acquaintanceship evolves into an intoxicating, life-altering love affair.” LONELY PLANET is a lighthearted, beautiful romance everyone can enjoy!
I had the opportunity to sit down with the stars of the film, Academy Award winner, Laura Dern and Liam Hemsworth to talk about the film, who they are most comfortable with, places that have made them feel modest, and more!
LONELY PLANET streams on Netflix October 11, 2024.
“Twenty years after their notorious tabloid romance gripped the nation, a married couple buckles under pressure when an actress arrives to do research for a film about their past.”
“May December” is a thought-provoking movie, Todd Haynes brilliantly directs this polarizing story that’s told through subtle, yet powerful performances and a witty screenplay by Samy Burch. The more I think about it, the more I love this film. It was a huge honor to sit down with Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, Charles Melton, and Todd Haynes to discuss the movie.
“May December” streams on Netflix December 1, 2023.
“Teen matchmaker Kitty Song Covey thinks she knows everything there is to know about love. But when she moves halfway across the world to reunite with her long-distance boyfriend, she’ll soon realize that relationships are a lot more complicated when it’s your own heart on the line.”
I spoke with the stars of the new Netflix series, “XO, Kitty”. We discussed where they would need to go to connect with one of their parents, the music that reminds them of their teen years, and what skill they feel they are best at.
Check out this fun chat and the show when it premieres on Netflix on May 18!
“The Good Nurse” follows a compassionate nurse, Amy Loughren (played by Jessica Chastain), who befriends an unsuspecting serial killer, Charles Cullen (Eddie Redmayne). Through friendship she is able to do what no one else seemed to have the courage to, and helps the police take him down. It’s a chilling story with Brillant performances by Chastain and Redmayne.
I had the chance to speak with Jessica Chastain, Eddie Redmayne, and director, Tobias Lindholm about an act of kindness that impacted them, what comforts them during hard times, and more!
Watch the interview and the film when it opens in select theaters on October 19, 2022, and streams on Netflix on October 26, 20222.
This week I got a chance to speak with director, Hannah Marks and actors, John Cho & Mia Isaac about their new movie, “Don’t Make Me Go”. The four of us chat about life lessons, road trips, how to know when you’ve found the right partner and more!
“Don’t Make Me Go” is available to stream on Amazon Prime July 15, 2022.