Struggling with his dual identity, failed comedian Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Pheonix) meets the love of his life, Harley Quinn (Lady Gaga), while incarcerated...
Maya and the Wave is currently playing at the Village East theater in New York, with upcoming screenings at the Laemmle Glendale and the Laemmle Monica...
We have anxiously been waiting for the release of “Black Widow” and it’s finally here! The film is set after the events of “Civil War”. Natasha Romanoff unites with her former “family” and seeks vengeance on the man who turned her into a controlled assassin. Find out my thoughts on the film in video below.
“Black Widow” opens in theaters and is available on Disney + Premier Access on July 9, 2021.
“Soul” follows Joe (Jamie Foxx) , a music teacher who has lost his passion for music and sense of purpose. But when he is transported into another realm to help someone find their spark, he discovers a new appreciation for life. I chatted with writer Mike Jones to discuss the film, what little things he appreciates about life, the value in asking people questions, and much more.
“Soul” is available to stream on Disney+ December 25.