We all have those days. Work has been stressing you out and you feel miserable. Your having relationship troubles. Your starting feel insecure about yourself. Overall, your in the dramatic “I hate life” mode. Anytime I tend to get in this random mood for whatever reason, movies have always been my cure! When you’re watching a great film, you get to have a wonderful escape.
In this particular mood, I tend to go for films that don’t require heavy concentration. Light-hearted, feel good or even a horror will help. These are the five films that are so entertaining, you’ll be focusing on the story and the characters’ problems instead of your own for at least two hours or so.
Pitch Perfect

Get Pitch-Slapped!
For the Fun: Starring Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow and Rebel Wilson, this film just represents “Glee”fulness. The musical numbers are hilarious and actually really good. In case anyone didn’t know, Anna Kendrick got her start on broadway. After seeing the Oscar nominated actress in some strong, big screen performances, its nice to see her showing off both talents in this surprisingly, fun film. Pitch Perfect is a happy, colorful movie that everyone will enjoy singing along to. Throw in some major WTF moments and a cute romance, you will be singing to yourself, “what problems?”
Little Miss Sunshine

What makes you a winner in life?
For the Message: This Oscar nominated film is more than just breakout performances and inappropriate humor. The story about this family of “losers” may start out a bit depressing, but as the movie continues you will find that winning the top prize doesn’t necessarily make you a winner in life. Having people in your life that love and support you no matter what is often what winners and losers strive for. It’s the message of this film that will leave you still thinking about it even when it’s finished.
Meet the Parents

You’ll be grateful your name is not Gaylord Focker
For the Appreciation: Whatever your problem is, it can’t be any worse than what Gaylord ‘Greg’ Focker (Ben Stiller) goes through in one of the most hilarious films of all time. As if meeting your girlfriend’s parents wasn’t nerve-racking enough, having one of those parents be ex CIA, Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro) is terrifying. There are so many obstacles Greg goes through, including lost luggage, a lie detector test, broken noses and so much more that you will appreciate the fact that you aren’t in his shoes. Besides feeling ultimate sympathy for Greg in this film, you may also think twice before checking a bag for your next flight.
Tommy Boy

Chris Farley in his little coat
For the Laughs: Chris Farley was a comedy genius and paired with David Spade, together they were a dynamic duo. This slapstick comedy is a laugh out loud riot. As these two are on a mission to sell an impossible amount of brake pads, they encounter so many ridiculous events from cow tipping to a deer fight. Tommy Boy is a true underdog story, you root for Tommy and laugh at his pain. There may be one disaster after another in this film, but there is also heart and friendship. Just sit back and enjoy the catastrophe that these two characters go through, you will more than likely end still laughing and quoting lines.

What’s your favorite scary movie?
For the Scare: A good scary movie can cure a lot of problems. Really any horror flick will do the trick here, but one of my personal favorites is the cult classic, Scream. The opening sequence to this film is one of the best from any scary movie. You may think all the comedy spoofs for these films will make you unable to take it seriously, but try watching it by yourself in the dark. Regardless of the cheesy romantic scenes and sometimes predictable murders, it’s just a fun scary movie. Scream has a great story, good mystery, lots of stabbing and it’s just scary enough for you to still be able to sleep easy after watching. However, if you would like to have night terrors, try The Exorcist or the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.